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There are several ways to invite people to your Lucid meetings.

When Creating the Meeting

Add people using email addresses

When you create a new meeting, enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite. You can enter email addresses individually or paste in several at once, separated by commas.

Screenshot: The Add Attendees screen, with email addresses entered in the text area.

Screenshot: Pasting email addresses into a new meeting

After you've entered the email addresses, click "Add People." Once the meeting is set up, click "Send invitation email" on the meeting home page to send an email and calendar invitation to all attendees. You will then see the following page:

The form for sending invitations with a place to add a personal note

Screenshot: Sending invitations to a new meeting

Select people from your account

Inviting people to a meeting also adds them to your meeting room, so after you add someone to one meeting, they'll appear in a list of room members or guests that you can select from when inviting people to subsequent meetings.

Select people from another system

Some apps, such as the Lucid Basecamp integration, let you invite people listed in your project management system.

Screenshot: selecting people from Basecamp

Screenshot: People in a Basecamp project can be invited to a meeting

Send a personalized meeting link

If you need to send invitations through another system, or if you're not sure who exactly will come to your meeting, you can use the public meeting link in your invitations. 

People clicking the link will need to register to attend your meeting by providing their name and email address. Learn more about The Public Meeting Room Page.

Screenshot: public meeting room page

Screenshot: People can register to join your meeting

During a Meeting

You can invite people to a running meeting by clicking the 'Invite More' button shown in the Attendees list. Select from existing people in your account, or enter email addresses.

Screenshots: invite more people by clicking "Invite More" in the Attendees panel, then filling out the form.

Screenshot: Inviting someone to a meeting in progress

Adding Users to Lucid for Inviting Later

You can add people to the Lucid Meetings system at any time and then send them an invitation when you're ready to set up a meeting. 

First, click on the "People" tab in any meeting room. Click "Add more people", then follow the steps stated above to add the user and send a meeting invitation.

Screenshot: the People tab of a meeting room, with an "Add more people" button

Screenshot: Adding someone to the Lucid Meetings system via the "People" tab.